Saturday, April 29, 2006
today, lorraine and i went to taka and we saw the cute cows! they're back again !

anyway .. we went there to help my mun fix up her anti-prima chain cuase the crysal came off . then after doing some stuff, we went to jurong east mrt station.
it was such a long journey there . you guys should know why i went there for . WANG LEE HOM of course.. he was supposed to have an autograph session at IMM but he hurt his left hand cause he had to sign over 10 000 autographs in malaysia - poor thing! so he couldn't sign any today .. so sad - but at least i got to touch him ! hahaha
we reached IMM at about 4 plus cause we couldn't find the shuttle bus form jurong east mrt station so we walked under the hot sun to IMM ...anything for lee hom. there were so many ppl ther .. the ppl in front of me were like so tall and i couldn't see anything on the stage even when i tipped toe- horrible

the lorraine called her uncle ...hoping that he could help ..but he haven't even reach yet .. then the 93.3 f.m. DJ came on stage and talked bla bla bla.. then went off , then came up again and talked and then went off again we waited and waoted and waited.luckily lorraine's phone rang in time. her uncle brought us all the way to the front of the stage .. there was no barracade in front of us while everyone one else were behind it .. the stage was just in front of us .. i could just stretch out and grab lee hom's leg - but i ain't such a pervert. lorraine's uncle works in sony-bmg so he brought us in front! so happy.

when lee hom came on stage , the crowd went wild and started screaming like crazy .. he sang two songs -ηδΈθ±ι and kiss goodbye .. he was so hot . then he came super close to me !!!!! hot! he was so close i was like er.... dunno whether to scream or not -