Monday, February 05, 2007

it's really cool huh !
anyway i dunno why dinesh and company like pulling out my rubber band ... crazy ppl ... they got a really weird fettish going on !
oh and jason !! wooh .... i have to admit it , his a really hot catch . his indonesian chinese and the best thing abt him is his eye lashes ! woah ... you should take a look at them . his eyelashes should be framed up or something like that . their really beautiful !! hahah . luo er and i were liek " jason , after you come out from the army and earned a lot of money already then come and marry me "
then we were at the canteen table , and i was jokingly saying that i was from china . the jason was like since you're from china i'm not interested in you anymore . - that's so horrible right ? but that's not the point . the point is that he actually was interested in me which means that i still stand a chance since i'm not really from china .. hahha
i know that i don't look like the person in this picture but it's really me .
it's a nice picture :)
michele at 9:23 PM