Friday, July 11, 2008
MY birthday

This cheryl went to crop herself out !
The 11th of July 2008
I'm still gushing - i guess only Cheryl and Sam knows why....
I'm so happy :D It's the Wang Lee Hom hand
Truly Friends are important. So to Cheryl, Sam and Luo Er, Thank you very much for all that you've done, or not (sam), to make me feel so special and loved. You guys are really God given.
To Dinesh, Yi Jiang, Vig and Jason, thanks for the really expensive present :D
Anyway last Friday the 4th of July, my classmates came over to party ! My Mum and Dad rented a huge Chalet for me to celebrate my 18th .

Anne and Yus decided to take pictures with us !

On Wednesday, Luo Er came to school with sunflowers. She gave one to me and one to Cheryl .
The sunflower is supposed to be her baby....
And also, I tried taking ugly pictures of Sam , but he kept posing for me ....
Anyway, these are the pressies Luo Er, Cheryl, Sam , Dinesh, YiJiang, Jason and Vig got for me .
They forked out so much just to get me such a lovely necklace:) It's so pretty right ? I'm so touched. Love you guys.
Quotes from:
Sam- " ... I just wanna say I really do love you and appreciate you very much! You're a sweet , caring, loving, thoughtful and overall wonderful girl (not ersatz)... "
Cheryl- "... I just want to let you know how blessed i feel to have you as a good friend and you're one of the best 'things' (LOL) that I've grown to love in CJ :) ..."
Luo Er- " I think you know how much we love you (you better!) and I think you know too, how precious you are to me ..."
Jason- " ... I think you are one of th few persons people will thank God for coming into their lives..."
Dinesh- " ... you are a great person who cares and loves unconditionally. you hate frogs and love cheetahs. Weird but that is ok because you are a great friend..."
Yi Jiang- " ...Thanks for being such a great friend...."
Marcus Tan- " Oh hai Michele! Happy 18th B'day, enjoy it cus you'll only be 18 once!! :) "
I will always treasure this. Thank you guys for making my birthday so memorable ! I really really love you :D Thanks Luo Er, Cheryl and Sam for making me laugh and just making me feel so loved and wanted.
michele at 3:18 PM