Monday, December 29, 2008
Party at SAM's

We had a party ( i think a christmas party ) at Sam's place with loads and loads of food . But i brought beef that was too tough to eat .....
Corinne+Max, Vanessa Foo, Cheryl, Luo Er, Dinesh, Yus, Sam, Vig, Gabriel and I were having so much fun !!! ( We should do it more often !!! The next one will be at my place :D I'll be able to drink then since I'm in the safety of my home!!! )

I didn't put up the ugly unglam photos up . But if you want to amuse yourself , they're all on facebook ( but i suggest you don't ) .
And thanks cheryl for uploading so quickly (using my account ) !!! And thanks everyone for making it so enjoyable :D
michele at 2:00 AM
Europe trip
As promised, here are some of the few pictures of my trip to Europe :)It had been really fun ! All the SNOW !!!
I went to London , then Paris and lastly Switzerland .
These pictures are taken from Switzerland which is where i wanna go for my honeymoon in the future !!! It's a really romantic place .
And these pictures are taken from Paris :)
And finally the pictures below are taken in London which i really love too .
Anyway , I'm glad that Thailand's airport was shut down ( in a way ) , since i got to go to Europe instead !!!
michele at 1:27 AM
Sunday, December 07, 2008
I know I haven't blogged for a very looooong timeThere was a class gathering to send off Zen and Derk ( flew back home today ) last Friday which LUO ER did not go !!! and cheryl wasn't there too .... ( really miss you guys ) We had loads and loads of fun playing Sam's game/truth or dare.

anyway, I went through some of the pictures taken from the Israel trip in 2004 and it really is interesting. Miss that place.

And my cell group is multiplying ! It's not necessarily a bad thing ( sean won't be at my side ) because all the nice ppl are at my side. Plus Sean don't wanna show me his bald head next year.
michele at 10:14 PM