Friday, December 30, 2005

i stayed for a few days in lorraine's house.. it was way cool cause it's so near to orchard and we went shopping like crazy! it was wonderful. i just love to shop ! however we could only shop after boxing day cause it was a public holiday and so orchard would be very congested so we went the next day.
anyway we spent the whole day either sleeping or watching FULL HOUSE!
it was my second time watching it and we kept laughing cause the show was terribly funny . i love the story's plot .it wasn't some typical korean drama where someone falls sick and dies . it's a real fun story plus there's a hot guy to feed your eyes upon ! not Rain but the other guy .. Kim Sung Soo! hee hee .
korean and japanese guys are hot but i heard that they treat their wives very badly so there goes my dream * i espeacially like the korean guy , lee byun huen , when he acted in Beautiful Days .. oh my gosh .. he is like totally hot la !
oh no i gotta go . He's calling me .. heh heh .. bye!!!!
michele at 1:34 PM
Saturday, December 24, 2005

my parents are going bankok . and i'll not be around for a few days too. gotta enjoy the last few days of the holidays with some cash! heehee . i don't wanna go to school! i'm gonna be secondary 4 next year and the o'levels examination(which i know everyone dread ) is just a few steps away from me ! i don't want the holidays to end so fast . damn madonna ! time doesn't go by so slowly ..... it goes by so quickly ! hmph!
michele at 2:58 PM

my parents are going bankok . and i'll not be around for a few days too. gotta enjoy the last few days of the holidays with some cash! heehee . i don't wanna go to school! i'm gonna be secondary 4 next year and the o'levels examination(which i know everyone dread ) is just a few steps away from me ! i don't want the holidays to end so fast . damn madonna ! time doesn't go by so slowly ..... it goes by so quickly ! hmph!
michele at 2:58 PM
Friday, December 23, 2005
my brother is going to bedok green secondary and he and my parents are so happy! i don't get it la. i get into a better school, get a better aggregade and they were angry with me. but when my brother got 215, my parents were over the moon. horrible right! urgh!!!!!!!!!!!!!and now we don't have ny maid so all of us have to do the household chores together . but unfortunately, my fat brother just needs to mop the floor cause that's the only thing that he knows how to do! so irritating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now i have to take care of the dishes, throwing rubbish, making bed and bla bla bla ! he's like some fat princess....
michele at 10:47 AM
Saturday, December 17, 2005
i hate the ending ofTHE RAINBOW CONNECTION !
how can jian yi be with xiao qian! so horrible! argh! irritaing . the scriptwriter sucks.maybe that was what the scriptwriter went through........ urgh!
i love GUO YAN FU !
michele at 3:29 PM
i'm so tired ... i woke up at 1p.m. today .anyway ,yesterday we had a christmas party at beth's house. we had games, drama and great food! Tai Tai , clair and I were the game masters . it was very fun! then we had the drama. i was Mary's fren , the gal who was crazy over joseph and also joseph mother . we had abt 11 new frens . the party was a success and it was planned by the most of the cell grp members without a lot of ariel's help .
michele at 3:23 PM
Monday, December 05, 2005

Oh how i love MCFLY , especially Danny ! Hope they'll just come to s'pore for a concert and bring the house down !
michele at 3:13 PM

His mine ......... all mine !!!!!!
michele at 2:40 PM

this is my dear carebear , Rev Sean .
michele at 2:24 PM
Friday, December 02, 2005
I LOVE PASTOR MIKE CONNELL!The BBG camp was fantastic. It was really wonderful. Like what clair have written, many had Holy Laughter. Pastor mike Connell was standing quite far away from me and he started to wave at me , as in like a fanning motion, then I Dunno why but I started laughing like mad. I didn't care who was around me I just started laughing like crazy , really crazy. I was rolling on the floor. You can ask Torrance and clair abt this.Many ppl were set free too. the demons were too terrified and started screaming. the presence of God was so strong.Uncle Felix also started smiling and laughing . Amazing!
Pst Mike Connell also taught us how to listen to the voice of God and also taught us how to prophesy over one another. Auntie Wendy(pst Ming's wife) was my partner and I had to prophesy over her. Imagine how nervous I was. Anyway I stepped out by faith and more faith and prayed for her. It was accurate according to her and I'm so happy. Every single session during the camp was so full of the Holy spirit. I will never forget this trip ever . It really is an eye opener to me. Pst Mike Connell was also very aware that there were ppl like us (as in the teens) and he called us up to be prayed for. I'm so touched and all of us really soaked in the presence of God during those 4 days.
I'm so glad that I went to that camp. It really changed my life and brought me closer to God.Now I know how to listen to God's voice !Yay! Our God is really a BIG BIG GOD!
michele at 2:00 PM